Monday, 18 November 2019

CuckooTech’s Time Attendance Management System

What is the most precious thing in this world? All of us would agreeit’s TIME! Time is the most precious asset, both from an individual point of view and from an organization. It’s a well-known saying- when you respect time, it respects you.The absence of an employee time Attendance Management System leads to compromises in productivity and efficiency. A solution for companies to be able to optimize time management is deploying anautomated Time Attendance Management System.

Gone are the days of manual maintenance of time cards. They are obsolete and may turn out to be inaccurate as they could lead to discrepancies in the payroll, time theft, poor coordination, and much more. Time to say goodbye to these outdated ways with an automated and computerized attendance system. Attendance software not only assists the organization but also its employees too! Below outlined are ways how Attendance Management Software can benefit both the employer and the employees-

1.    Keeping a Track on Working Hours

International research states that on average, an employee steals up to 4 hours a week. That is a huge number of hours when computed over months and years! So, by adopting an integrated time attendance system, you could improvise an employee’s time management.In the flip case scenario, when an employee works for extended hours, even such data is captured in the software and intimated to the concerned authorities, so that the employee gets his due remuneration for it.

Both the employer and employee have access to the data of the Time Attendance System and none can tamper with it-be it an employee or an employer too. In a Biometric Attendance System, an employee uses his biometric features like hand scan, finger scan, iris scan to mark attendance, leaving no scope for fraud or malpractices.

2.Set Clear Goals and Deadlines

In organizations, it is not uncommon for projects and tasks to get delayed. Be it due to shortage of funds, lack of communication, mismanagement of human resources, undefined goals, and so on. With a time management system in place, setting up goals and being able to track them regularly on a real-time basis is easier. Having set clear goals instill motivation in employees. It also encourages punctuality. Precisely laid out goals and instant updates on the project status ensuredeadlines are met. And such information easily available in one place for everyone, thus ensuring both sides of the organization-the management and the employees are on the same page.

3. Create Schedules

With an automated time attendancerecording in place, it becomes easier for an employee to manage his schedule. He could beforehand mark out his planned holidays, making it easier for the whole team. He can raise requests, interact with higher authorities, check the status of his applications, etc. The whole process is transparent and easy. Automated time attendance software also eliminates the administrative burden as there would not be a bulk of papers of time sheets to manage. This way the HR department could focus on wider avenues.

4. Analyze Daily Routine

The Time Attendance System is not only about recording the working hours of employees. It also assists in better management of time. It records their activities, the time spent on them, and hence calculates productivity levels. It helps the management to find out the unproductive tasks and work on them.
5. Statutory compliance

As per laws, organizations need to follow various statutory compliances that are appropriate for permanent employees/ part-time employees/ contract labor, etc. With an attendance management system available, any such requirements have to be entered just once, after which the software takes care of everything. Be it deductions, additions, report generation, forms, payroll computation, etc. As per law, organizations must have proof of employee work timings. And, automated Attendance Software is the perfect solution to it. So, an automated time attendance software also helps organizations to abide by the prevailing laws.
My Two Cents

Any organization that has more than 10 people working for it is sure to benefit from automation in time attendance. This one-time investment may seem a bit steep, but it is certainly a very profitable one when thought about in the long run. So, if you are a small/ medium-sized business organization, and are yet to jump on to the attendance management software bandwagon, CuckooTech is got good news for you.

CuckooTech offers top class Attendance Software that seamlessly suits the global workforce needs of our 21st century. Also, along with an employee attendance management system, CuckooTech offers customized T&A project that can cater to a wide variety of business needs. CuckooTech can also seamlessly integrate with Cloud, IoT, and all the latest technologies.

So, wait no more. You could find out more by Calling +91 022 4036 5432 or by visiting

Invite the CuckooTech team for a quick demo to understand more about the time management options your organization has!!!

Monday, 11 November 2019

Time Attendance Software is The Best Clock Wizard For Your Business

Every business organizationshould focus on the quality of the attendance data. Inaccurate information on attendance and timings can directly impact the overall growth of the company. From regular employees, vendors, support staff to HR professionals, every individual’s attendance is integrated with their payroll. This makes the data and its accuracy vital for both the employee and the company. Time Attendance Software provides Managers and HRs a better attendance and payroll system. It acts as a clock wizard thatprovides an enhanced version for capturing data that generates accurate reports with impeccable precision.

Importance of time tracking for better business functionality 

An employee’s attendance is a key indicatorof their performance. Employee’s in-time and out-time can account for long and short working hours;however, it may not link to the tasks completed. A good Time attendance softwaretrack this detail as well. It can help you in assigning work, tracking the progress and even scheduling the shifts. This is very helpful if your team is not co-located.

Time attendance management facilitatesHRs to be in line with payroll and legal policies. When employees are aware of the time schedules being monitored, it can enable them to work better which in turn positively impacts the business functionality.

How timeand attendance improve employee’s productivityin the organization

Using a Time attendance management brings in more accountability to the tasks assigned to each employee. They know their payroll is linked to their tasks which are monitored and tracked against the system. This encourages the employees to strive hard to accomplish their tasks ahead of time, helping increase the overall productivity of the company. A Time Attendance Management System also brings in transparency in the system and avoids any preferential treatment that isanother morale booster for employees.

Real-time tracking is the need of the hour

Technology and the world are moving fast. No one has the time and energy to do redundant tasks. The HR or the manager might not be able to track down the accurate performance data of each employee if a Time Attendance Software is not implemented in the organization. An employee can’t just walk into the office premises for the sake of registering his attendance to be qualified for his payand do no work. Even in case, a discrepancy has been raised by the manager for the employee’s performance, only a system atized data would help. This can also help employees when the manager raises inappropriate disputes against them.

The work of HR’s, Managers and employees are made simple with the help of this software. It also ensures that the company has legally complied with HR and legal policies. Without accurate data, any dispute or complaints would be considered void. Therefore, the better functioning of the company and for better employer and employee relation, a good time attendance software is mandatory. Therefore,real-time tracking is the need of the hour.

Time attendance software helps the Human Resources team to centralize attendance policies. 

Time Attendance Software plays the most vital role and acts as the clock wizard for every organization. Human resource personnel can track the attendance, and time schedules of every individual which needs to be considered during the appraisal period.

An employee can be promoted, demoted, paid less or get a hike in the salary based on their work schedules. Recognitions and rewards are also based on the performance of the employee that complies with the working hours. Time attendance software is a quick and effective way to rate or review the employees.

Work schedule policies would work efficiently only if the software is being implemented in the business. Human Resource personnel can easily frame or change the attendance policies based on the reports. It also helps them to understand the overall performance of each team in terms of their work timings. Employees would be made accountable for every minute they spend at work.Software is also designed to track real-time reports in case of work from home or telecommuting employees. Regular reports can be published to helpemployees work better.These reports help managers to have a better understanding of each employee, and to find ways to improve their work schedules or work pattern.

About CuckooTech.

CuckooTech has helped several business units and human resource teams with their innovative Time Attendance System. With accuracy in capturing real-time data, CuckooTech leads the market in time tracking systems. They provide advanced software which can be customized for every business need. Seamless integration with the cloud and gamification of the attendance data is what makes them unique. If you and your organization want to make the head start towards this digital revolution, then book a free demo with CuckooTech today.

CuckooTech’s Time Attendance Management System

What is the most precious thing in this world? All of us would agreeit’s TIME! Time is the most precious asset, both from an individua...