Sunday, 25 November 2018

What Makes Biometric Attendance System the in thing?

Attendance and punctuality are extremely important for the smooth and seamless operation of any organization. Failure to attend the work or regular late arrival of employees can have a detrimental effect on their morale and productivity.

There are different types of Time and Attendance Systems such as Time card, Proximity card, web-based login, and Biometric.

In Time card, a card about the size of credit card is issued to employees and they have to swipe it on a credit card like machine placed on the entrance to get in and out of the workplace.

The proximity card is a contact less smart card that merely requires you to exhibit the card in front of the reader to check in and out. It checks employees’ movement throughout the workplace.

In Web-based login, the employee needs to enter their login credential on a laptop or a personal computer to mark their attendance. This method is suited for employees who work on computers.

The newest and most advanced Time and Attendance system is Biometric Attendance System. The chances of attendance manipulation in the above methods are very high but not in Biometric Attendance System.

In Biometric Attendance System, the attendance of employees is recorded using iris and/or fingerprint recognition system.

There are numerous benefits of installing a biometric attendance system in your office. They are as follows.

1)The security of your workplace increases multifold because of the biometric attendance system. Unauthorized people won't be able to enter your workplace. 

2Proxy attendance won’t be possible after installing biometric attendance system. As fingerprint and iris are unique for every individual, a person cannot punch in or out for their colleagues.

3)Biometric attendance system can accurately track employee’s attendance and time, thereby resolving the issues of overtime, leaves and early departure.

4)Compared to a manual feeding of in and out time by employees, biometric attendance is quick, accurate and saves time and effort. It is ideal for an organization with a large number of employees.

5)If integrated properly with the software, it gives real-time information of employees present in the organization and if there is a need for additional employees.

6)The data remains safe and secure in the cloud or web-based server and only authorized person can get access to it.

7)There are some organizations like cuckoo tech, which has devices that can detect real and artificial fingerprints. 

This can prevent manipulations from happening in the workplace.

These are just a few of the advantages of installing a biometric attendance system in your organization. At, you get many more features such as no installation of attendance software on client’s system, seamless integration on enterprise system like SAP, MIS reports generation and world-class support and services.    
To know more about the benefits and features of cuckoo tech’s Attendance Management System, visit our website or leave a comment down below.

Thursday, 22 November 2018

How Much Is Your Organisation Loosing Because Of Rs 100 Fake-Finger Prints? Think Twice!

Here is a headline early this month.

We always knew that fake finger impression could be made, as we have seen it in Hollywood movies. The gate-crashers in these silver-screen blockbuster use high-tech to intrude into security systems. 

It might shock you, but as the news clip informs, a fake finger impression can be sourced for only Rs 100/- in our Indian towns.

Our Indian brothers with their jugaad-mindset can create these fake-fingers with home-sourced items like coconut oil, M-seal and Fevicol. 

But on a bigger level, some enterprising people have discovered in it a promising business. You can set up a fake-finger printing machine with an investment of just Rs 1 Lac.

Obviously, there is huge demand for such fake-finger prints. 

Now the vital questionsfor HR community are:

1.Do we still keep ignoring this?
2.Do we still keep using a device that does not recognise fake fingers?
3.Is there a fake-finger-proof detection solution available in the market?
4.What is the cost implication of using a non- fake device V/s Fake-finger-proof detection devices?

First, let us understand the impact of ignoring these news stories--

1.Salary Cost
2.Compliance cost
3.Security cost
4.Lapse in manpower count & business loss

Even if 2-3 employees are using unethical practices to mark their attendance, say for 2days a month, than 6 man days of working are lost. Which is typically 25% of working days. If this happens throughout the year than we are talking of at least 3 man-months of losses. 

If we take minimum CTC of 15000/- for a Jr resource, we are talking of 50K of salary wrongly paid. The infinite loss of employee not attending the work, and spreading a wrong message among peers by escaping unnoticed may create rippling effects.
With just Rs.100/- someone we can procure a fake finger, and can pose a huge threat of security lapse. Considering locations with stores having high value inventory, highly confidential data centres…it’s just unimaginable what all canhappen. And god forbid, might be happening in organisations. 

What are the possiblesolutions? 

1.Have physical check for every employee that comes 
2.Implement Biometric Attendance  System, which has 100% capability of detecting fake & live fingers
Manual option is practically not possible, and goes against the basic purpose of installing the biometric machines in the first place. Chances of manual lapse is in fact higher. Only option is to implement devices with fake finger detection technology. 

So are such solution available in market & aren’t they really expensive?

Good news is, we have a solution to the multiple problems of fake finger registration. Devices with capability to detect any kinds of fake fingers are available. These are patented & available in more than 100+ countries.

You must check this here:
Even better, the device comes at an economical price, with 10+ year of sensor-warranty.

The benefit of implementing such compliant biometric devices has high ROI whether you evaluate the 100% stopping of unsolicited elements entering the premises, attendance compliance, or the security.

The solution is guaranteed or money refunded!
You can talk to us if you want: 0987654321
Want to know more: FORM

CuckooTech’s Time Attendance Management System

What is the most precious thing in this world? All of us would agreeit’s TIME! Time is the most precious asset, both from an individua...